in good condition
Synonyms: able-bodied, active, all right, athletic, blooming, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, chipper, firm, fit, flourishing, fresh, full of life, hale, hardy, healthful, hearty, husky, in fine feather, in fine fettle, in good shape, in the pink, lively, lusty, muscular, normal, physically fit, potent, restored, robust, rosy-cheeked, safe and sound, sound, stout, strong, sturdy, tough, trim, unimpaired, vigorous, virile, well, whole
Antonyms: delicated, diseased, fragile, ill, indisposed, infirm, poor, sick, sickly, unhealthy, worn
good for one’s wellness
Synonyms: advantageous, aiding, aseptic, beneficial, benign, body-building, bracing, cathartic, clean, compensatory, conducive, corrective, desirable, disease-free, energy-giving, fresh, harmless, healing, health-giving, helpful, hygienic, innocuous, invigorating, mitigative, nourishing, nutritious, nutritive, profitable, pure, restorative, salubrious, salutary, sanatory, sanitary, stimulating, sustaining, tonic, unadulterated, unpolluted, untainted, useful, wholesome
Antonyms: bad, corrupt, diseased, noxious, rotten, sickening, unhealthful, unhealthy